Poetic Lyrical Wordsmith - Brian "Fred Worm" MacGregor.

This is my site called : "The Philosophy of the Written Arts".

             This site teaches the arts of poetry and philosophy.

            As taught by myself, Brian "fred worm" MacGregor.

My name is Brian MacGregor, i am highly experienced wordsmith in the arts of poetry, and philosophy, being able to teach with complete ease.

I have written 100 books on poetry / philosophy, which are now available online, although, i have crafted many more, i have simply, discontinued. I will also teach other disciplines such as writing, lyric writing, comedy and jokes, in how to write the various literary arts in many varied forms.

    The Centrement Ring - By, Brian "fred worm" MacGregor.                     

"The Centrement Ring" - I thought to start from the outside and work inwards, from, one alternating idea - to another (Outer to middle) then end, with the meaning line, to add finality, to said structure - this line is, of course neutral as it explains everything said before, without bias, as such,... Adding the topic in the middle keeps the mind on the job, in focus, to what needs to be achieved. Example, '3' - Strong as i am, '2' - Weak as i seem, '1' - There is a development, as i see fit. (Topic - How i am). This concludes, achievement is commitment to cause - effort equals better chance of proposed result. This quote is indicative thereof, that, not only is improvement possible, but and yet also, loss or stagnation, at any point, which is much in line with, you are what you eat as so to speak or someone gets more out of - what is put in,...

        The below link takes the observer to a video which explains - The Centrement Ring, in better detail (Well i hope that!).


The said video is on the online 'Youtube mixed media platform' and is almost fifteen minutes long, from start to finish.

I hope this helps explain things, in a different light, as such, a little better, in a much greatly neutral tone.  

                    This site teaches the arts of poetry and philosophy.

                  As taught by myself, Brian "fred worm" MacGregor.

The long and short of comedy, now, here being concise is everything, or at least word dense, as if the joke is way too long then it is stretched out giving the observer the chance to spot whats going on, from start to end, and therefore killing the joke before the punchline hits home. 'The Long' is that whilst the joke can be long, longer the better in fact, make it a concise story as such. 'The Short' is the punchline, this must be short as to surprise the observer quicker than they can spot what is going on and inbetween varying suspense. Therefore the long and short of comedy and in essence jokes is long joke, short punchline - and a good laugh should be in store. Now, moving on, to the construction of jokes, alternate what is said at the beginning with the ending being an opposite of such, that is most unexpected, or surprising, usually this means, something that wouldnt be done under normal circumstances, i have included, a few examples, for example, "Always share your very favourite record collection with your neighbours", now, if the neighbours are noisy with music why not have yours played and not be held to account for said music. yeah? yeah! yeah!?! Its a light-hearted approach of course on an obviously more serious matter but the point is, its unexpected - its an opposite of what is, that is. In most circumstances this approach works fine, of course a twist works also, in terms of word play. Here is another example "Whilst honesty is the best policy, the naked truth gets you in trouble at nudist colonies". Now, do you see how that works as a joke, the naked truth, being an example of the whole truth without reservation, as such, blended with the idiom of honesty being the best policy which it is, but not at nudist colonies! So, now you know, how jokes work a little better, so have a crafting session, using your imagination, then leave what you were thinking to theirs.

             This site teaches the arts of poetry and philosophy.

            As taught by myself, Brian "fred worm" MacGregor.

This concludes the part on jokes and comedy, at least, for now, it very well may be updated or changed as my concepts are bettered or rather furthered in style.